Have a special occasion you want to celebrate? A birthday, wedding, anniversary, or memorial for a loved one?

Thank you Georgina for your tremendous support of our funding efforts to rebuild the medical building at 21071 Dalton Road in Jackson’s Point which is home to our tenants, the Georgina Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic. Due to COVID effects on materials costing the project came in over cost and we were forced to borrow to complete. To date we have raised $220,000 of our $300,000 goal. Donations are still being accepted to help us pay down the loan. We invite you to support our “Buy a Brick” campaign  in our Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum category.  Please click on the “Click here to Donate”  button to contribute. All Donations will be recognized on our virtual wall on our website and are tax deductible. Donations can also be made via cash or cheque. Simply email us at info@healthgeorgina.ca and we will make arrangements to facilitate your donation.


$100+ Donation


$100 Donation


$50 Donation


$25 Donation

Elizabeth McLean

Dale Kerr Genge


Ken & Angela Jamieson

Nathan, Hunter, & Mackenzie Jamieson

Lorraine Hackenbrook

Mayor Margaret Quirk

Yvonne Box in memory of Harold & Geraldine Andrews

Councillor Dave Neeson

Councillor Mike Waddington

Barb Banfield Stephen Rawn

Helle Strolenberg

Ernest Balmer

Stella & Bil Trainor

Ryan and Nancy Cronsberry

Sharon Lindale

Brian & Annabel Slaight

Stephen & Cookie Sandler

Lynn & Jim McPhail

Jackie & Doug Cronsberry

Patricia Peterson

Mary Margaret Thornburn

Lucillen Narun

Catherine Curtis – in memory of Bruce & Peg Curtis

Anne Eeecloo- in memory of Dr. James Evans

Paul & Kim Brady in memory of June Brady who worked for Dr. Burrows

Delaine Bond

Mary & John Baxter

Leslie Johnstone

Tom & Bonnie Glover

Ivan & Fran Foster in celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary

Dave & Mary Neelands

Carol Castle

Margo Cachia-Comtois

Gaol Lowe

Virginia Cryderman

Karen Whitney

Fred Davidson – in memory of George Burrows

Fred & Barb Philips

Judith Fergusen

Denise & Terry Sheedy

Mrs. Joanne MacMillan

Henry Kay

Steve & Bonnie Griffin

Nick Tanquiy

Carole Duffy

Fernand & Rosa Gosselin

Jack & Judy Winberg

Elizabeth McLean – in memory of Joyce Burrows

Amy Koning

Linda Burnside – in honour of the Young/Burnside family

Rory Lesperance

Bob Law

Deborah Ceresne – in memory of Lillian & Syd Ceresne

Tracey & Elaine Kerr

Sheila Brennan

Sally Gyton – dedicated to John Michael Franklin

Janice Anstey – dedicated to Donald John Anstey

Walter & Judith Metherall – in memory of Muriel Burrows

Richard & Theresa Burrows – in memory of Muriel Burrows

Katherine Woods & Aishling Bell – in memory of Noel Paul Woods

Helen Watson

Karen Forbes

Steve Jacobson

Paul & Sheila Burgess

Ozzie & Patty Parsons

Kathy Campbell

Susan & Blair Williams – in memory of Joyce Burrows

Sherrie Mildren

Angela Cader – in honour of Cheryl Westcott

If you would like multiple names to be present on the tax receipt, please list each name in the donation form separated by a comma. Contact information is only required for one individual.